Opportunity - Irish-Swiss choir project
Choir name: choR inteR kultuR
Email: fortunat.f@bluewin.ch
Website: www.chorinterkultur.com
Social media: https://www.facebook.com/chor.interkultur
The choR inteR kultuR association from Zurich in Switzerland regularly organises choir projects that focus on cultural exchange. To do this, we travel to a different country each time and work with a local choir there, before giving a few concerts in the host country and in Switzerland. For 2025, we would like to deepen our knowledge of Irish and Celtic culture. The roots of Helvetian culture are to a considerable extent of Celtic origin. There is also another connection between Zurich and Dublin through James Joyce, as Joyce lived in Zurich for many years and is also buried here. So there are good reasons for a Swiss-Irish choir project.